Sunday, November 8, 2009

World Trade Center 7 (pt 2)

Okay, the following is what I'd like to think of as a conclusion of the collapse of WTC 7, in the shortest sense of the word. My conclusion will solely be made using universally accessible materials from the web, much from Wikipedia and Youtube. However, I hope you will find it somewhat reasonable.

In the early stages of the fire in WTC 7, marshalls concluded that there were only minor fires. However, the fires spread rapidly, making most parts of the building virtually inaccessible. Nevertheless, hours before the collapse, one fire marshall had enough insight to make the conclusion that the building was going to collapse. How could he possibly know that? A fire had, as mentioned in previous post, never made a high-rise building collapse ever before. So why would it be the case this time?

Also, that the collapse of building seven is left completely unmentioned in the official report on the attacks by the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (which, by the way, is a very long name with a total of 55 letters). Now why is that? We all know that buildning came down, we just don't know how. And they won't even explain this to us? Hmm, is that suspicious or was it merely an honest mistake? I don't know, but I hear the way it sounds.

And how is it possible that two different news agencies report that WTC 7 has collapsed several minutes before it actually does so? I mean what are the odds? Once again, it does sound indeniably unlikely.

So what does all this mean? That there were explosives planted in the building? Maybe. The way it collapsed sure enough did not look as if caused solely by fire, but rather by explosives, and the premature media reports on the collapse may be interpreted as sign of governmental involvement.

So let's continue on the explosives theory, just for the cause. How could such a large amount of explosives be smuggled into a building, which's tenants were mostly made up from governmental agencies (e.g. CIA)? Well, some sources claim that there were several floors without tenants, leaving them completely empty. Doesn't sound too impossible to disguise a couple of bombs into delivery boxes (as security levels at the time were very low) and then place them in the empty areas, without anyone noticing.

So, only judging from what I've learned so far, and still avoiding too many personal reflections, my conclusion is that the World Trade Center 7 building was most likely brought down by planted explosives, and not by fire.

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